Mothers' Instinct (2024) - film review

I met an acquaintance after the screening, she said she was never terrified of Anne Hathaway before, suggesting this movie was the first time. I echo her opinion.

Still of Anne Hathaway in Mothers' Instinct
(Credits: Anton, Freckle Films, Mosaic, Versus Production)

This remake is based on the French film Duelles (2018), which was based on a French novel by Barbara Abel. Some commenters on this film's trailer on YouTube alluded how this is a frame-for-frame remake. I have already moved past the phase of watching the trailer for a movie I'm hyped to see, and now having read that, I can safely say I have joined the club called "Why is Mothers' Instinct being remade?"

That said, both Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain carried the entire film on their shoulders, pretty much like how a mother would carry her child on her shoulders. These two Academy Award-winning actresses constantly challenged and surpassed each other throughout the film. It is yet another of those films where two female stars shine together, think Blue is the Warmest Color (2013).

Still of Jessica Chastain in Mothers' Instinct
(Credits: Anton, Freckle Films, Mosaic, Versus Production)

In all honesty, I dare guess this movie could have flopped disastrously, both at the box office and critically, if not for Hathaway and Chastain. I do however really like the production design and score, and if there was one thing this remake did right, it's following the French film in setting the story in the 1950s, as opposed to the novel which sets it in modern times.

In extension of the above, the film clearly excels in a few technical and design aspects, topping them off with two spellbinding lead performances. Mothers' Instinct is severely compromised by its script (or adaptation) and the overall directorial approach. This is BenoĆ®t Delhomme's debut feature, and while I do not like to kill an aspiring filmmaker's confidence, I did expect more from the seasoned French cinematographer who has led a considerably illustrious career with the camera, including 2014's highly acclaimed The Theory of Everything.

Just a quick (random) thought - should either the French film or this remake itself not exist, how would marketing this film to be released in the month of May to celebrate Mother's Day result? Imagine the majority of viewers not having read the book going into the movie... the sheer shock or terror they might feel by the end of it...

Still of Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain in Mothers' Instinct
(Credits: Anton, Freckle Films, Mosaic, Versus Production)

Overall, Mothers' Instinct (2024) works mostly due to its decent craftwork and the heavy-lifting by the two electrifying leads. With its friendly runtime, it is still an "ok" movie to catch if one isn't too vested in the art of cinema, a pair of compelling lead performances should suffice.

I give this film 6.5 out of 10.

Check out my YouTube review here.


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